July 14, 2011

Welcome to Tablet Era

There are a lot of pads and tabs nowadays, but only few of them make their mark in the gadget world. This year - at least until this July - are the Apple iPad 2, HTC Flyer, and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 years. Well, there are more of their kinds, but in my opinion these three is on the top of the lines. (Sorry for PlayBook, but it's just not that into me right now).

Well, I actually won't review any of them right now. But just so you might be awared also that the UMPC era were long ago replaced by this tablets. They are sleek, powerful, full with connectivity, handy and fun. Where is UMPC? Does people even still know what UMPC is? :)

Despite of the iOS and Androids differences and similarities all of them could be as useful as whatever you want them to be for example : primary phone, word processing, multimedia player, game center, education center, web browser, ebook reader, digital frame or just as the paperweight. *smile

I actually not a fan of any tablets, because for me they are all just rather useless, redundant and bulky (no matter how thin it is). My advise is if you are going to have one, think carefully on what the main use is for. I have few friends buying iPads, Galaxy Tabs and PlayBook only lasted for few days before they sell it in the market. The reason for that to happen is simple, they didn't know what to do with their tablets. :D It's like a pesticide in a hand of programmer. *hyperbola


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