December 22, 2008

Civilization: War of Two Cities

Kalau Anda pernah muda (hiperbola dikit).. pasti pernah tau gamenya Sid Meier yang berjudul Civilization. Menurut saya sih itu salah satu game legendaris karena saya gameplaynya yang kompleks namun masih fun untuk dimainkan.

Nah War of Two Cities (WoTC) ini bener-bener beda sama Civilization yang klasik. Anggap saja ada sebuah mobile game baru yang "menumpang" judul dan nama beken Sid Meier. Gameplaynya sendiri simple. Kita memilih salah satu dari empat peradaban yang disediakan antara lain : Jepang, Amerika Serikat, Romawi dan Rusia. Masing-masing kebudayaan memiliki kelebihan yang berbeda-beda ketika game baru akan dimulai.

Gameplaynya sendiri, seperti yang sudah saya katakan sebelumnya, sangat berbeda dengan Civilization klasik yang dikenal dengan genre "turn-based-strategy". Perang di WoTC ini berlangsung realtime dan kita tidak menggerakkan langsung masing-masing unit. Kita hanya tinggal mengklik / tap button untuk create unit yang diinginkan, lalu unit tsb akan perlahan-lahan maju ke wilayah musuh. Unit-unit ini hanya akan bergerak maju dan sama sekali tidak akan berjalan mundur.

Terdapat ketiga unit yang bisa kita ciptakan antara lain infantry, range-unit dan mobile-unit. Ketiga unit ini masing-masing memiliki kelemahan dan kekuatan seperti sistem gunting-batu-kertas yang sangat terkenal itu. Kurang lebih infantry akan menang melawan range-unit, range-unit akan menang melawan mobile-unit dan mobile-unit sendiri akan dengan mudah "melindas" infantry.

Selain itu kita juga bisa menembakkan artileri dari kota kita untuk membantu frontliners kita mencapai kota musuh. Begitu unit kita menyentuh kota musuh, maka round selesai dan kita akan menang. Kita dapat melakukan upgrade teknologi yang dapat meningkatkan level daya serang maupun pertahanan kita setiap level.

Game ini ditest di handset Treo 750v. Selain untuk Windows Mobile, WoTC juga dibuat untuk Blackberry dan Java Games.

December 11, 2008

Upgrade Your Treo 750 to Windows Mobile 6.1

I finally succeed in upgrading my Treo into WM 6.1 (using standard edition, fyi there is also a lite version and maybe the others).

The notable upgrades are :
  1. The boot screen after Palm Logo, it shows Windows Mobile Version 6.1 splash screen.
  2. The my info page which i don't know why when I was using WM6 the "MY" letter will always be cut so it will show "MV" by default and now in WM6.1 is looking good with a new font also.
  3. The themes look similar to Windows Mobile Green themes, but this one is cooler.
  4. The task manager is much much better than the WM5.
  5. The thread SMS is much the same I guess (glad it's still there :D)
  6. We can also play sounds / music / voice note in Note application (can WM5/WM6 do this? i'm not sure coz I've been using PhatNotes since a long time)
  7. There is a new PIE feature embedded. We can do a zoom out view of a web page for a wider look.
  8. The Windows Live and Windows Live Messenger is not included in this ROM.

Anyway, I feel satisfied with the performance was and now it's even better.

Here is how I did my upgrade step-by-step (got this from mailing list and also the forum too) :

  1. The upgrade process took not more than 30 minutes for me because my Treo 750v is already unlocked since I get it at first time. It may take another minutes to unlock if yours is still locked.
  2. Please download these 3 files first :
    CheetahUnlocker.rar (for unlocking). You can get it from here.
    Treo750Radio1.54.07.00.rar (Radio). You can get it from here.
    Treo750_OS5_2_19199WWE_STD.rar (the OS). You can get it from here.
  3. Extract the three files first to ensure there are none corrupted files.
  4. Format a miniSD with FAT32 filesystem. (I'm using VGEN 2GB - cheap one, and I still made it, so no worries mate! :D)
  5. Please sync your Treo first. Wait until it finishes before we could start.
  6. If the sync succeed without any error, run the CheetahUnlocker. Since my Treo already unlocked, just run the step 1. (note: the cheetah unlocker need a dotnet2 frameworks).
  7. Wait until it finishes and the device restarted without any error before proceeding other step. Close the cheetah unlocker program so it won't distract us anymore. Ignore the second and third step for already unlocked device. If yours is still locked, you need to run the rest.
  8. Make sure you have your backup before we wipe all the data in device :D. I'm using PPCPimBackup application to backup my PIMs (which -sadly to say- didn't backup my SMS!)
  9. Copy the CHEEIMG.nbh (Radio) to MiniSD (please don't change the filename). Insert it into the Treo.
  10. While pressing the PTT button (-the button under the Volume button-) reset the device using the stylus. It will enter a bootloader menu and all we have to do is wait. (I was praying at this moment)..
  11. If it shows Update Success then we could stop pray rite now and remove the miniSD card.
  12. Remove the current file (Radio's) and copy the CHEEIMG.nbh (OS's) to MiniSD after that.
  13. While pressing the PTT button (-the button under the Volume button-) reset the device using the stylus. It will enter a bootloader menu and all we have to do is wait. (I was sleeping at this moment). This step should be finish faster than the Radio.
  14. Wait until it shows "Update Success" and congrats you now have a WM6.1 Treo.
  15. Do a soft reset. The first boot while take quite a time because it needs to setup a few things first.
